Thursday, December 19, 2013

Suffering Silence

Two kingdoms at war through sheer existance, both bristling when in the pressence of another. Foreign powers know not of the stifling dark held over the other. It remains where is should be, in the past. A past in much need of burning.

I know my limits. After a year they had been reached and then some. To live with the hostility and smothering odor of disregard to one is more than I could bear. Yet I bore it. No place I could call my own without the burn of something detested. There was no home, only pits of habitation. That was then and will forever be then. Nevermore will it ever be 'now'. Leave it to die its much deserved death without the perversion of what now stands. it lies and here it shall remain.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


They came flooding back, like bats before a breaking dawn. Past actions, fleeting moments, and bliss hung together only to be burned by the morning light. What had once been a place of joy had turned back in on itself, into that of apathy.
These memories, not often thought about, still evoke more attachment than what is comfortable. They were good once. Now they are simply regret.
..........................burn the past.