Thursday, August 25, 2011

Discussions with a Mind

As I lay here again surrounded by the psychobabble of my mind, sleep watches from a distance. I would like to join him instead I am face to face here with my mind. Floating along this train of thought seeming to go nowhere, one talks and one listens trying to make sense of it all. But as I said before it's all just psychobabble.

There's that ever persistent nagging of the feeling that seems to never leave but then there is another joining its ranks: anxiety. From out of nowhere a new face joins in the conversation my mind and I have been.....

.....and it all stops here.

Friday, August 19, 2011

So Simple

I look at this simple gift of a screen cover and it brings back a wave of memories. A set of those thin clear pieces of adhesive plastic makes my mind reel and heart swell with emotion. These covers were meant for my Evo but are made for an iPhone, a simple mistake made with the best of intentions.

They mark the changing of a man into someone we had to accept because the other man was not coming back. Forever changed, different, not entirely himself I see these screens and think how I will never see him again. By no means do I not cherish the current man in his stead, I could never do that. But there is more that could be done to show it. His shadow follows me, a living memory that I can only see through my life one day at a time.

You may not be who you once were, that doesn't change anything. You are still my dad. And I love you.

.......words best never left unspoken.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Slow Burn

A flame still burns at the back of it but is not a guiding light. A remembered light of a flame since passed.
